Top 9 Food to Avoid While Taking Mounjaro

Discover the top 9 foods you should avoid to maximize weight loss with Mounjaro. Learn how to avoid common dietary mistakes while using Mounjaro with this comprehensive guide.

Medically reviewed by Dr. Ruth Cohen,
Medical Director, Layla
Reviewed by
Dr. Ruth Cohen
Medical Director, Layla
Last Updated
July 17, 2024
8 clinical references

Mounjaro is a drug that regulates your blood sugar and helps you to lose weight. What you eat goes a long way in determining how effective Mounjaro is for you. Some foods can trigger or worsen the side effects of Mounjaro and even make it more difficult for you to lose weight.

In this article, we will look at foods to avoid while using Mounjaro and the importance of a healthy diet while using this drug.

Key Takeaways

  • Mounjaro (Tirzepatide) is a medication that is used to manage type 2 diabetes and weight loss.
  • To get the best results from Mounjaro, avoid foods containing high sugar, unhealthy fats, and salts.
  • Monitoring your sugar levels and noting how the readings change with certain meals is crucial to your weight loss journey.

What is Mounjaro and How it Works

Mounjaro is a branded injectable form of its active ingredient, tirzepatide. Although Mounjaro is FDA-approved for type 2 diabetes, it can be prescribed off-label for weight management. Its active ingredient is also available as compounded tirzepatide. This drug is a dual agonist acting on the glucagon-like peptide 1 (GLP-1) and the glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) receptors.

This medication stimulates your body to secrete insulin and suppress glucagon production, regulating blood sugar levels.

Mounjaro also delays gastric emptying (movement of food out of your stomach) and stimulates some areas of your brain that reduce appetite. 

Mounjaro Benefits and Side Effects

Mounjaro facilitates weight loss due to its actions on the gut and appetite. This gives you a sense of fullness and allows you to maintain a calorie deficit for weight loss, which is why it is often prescribed for weight management. Mounjaro also lowers your blood sugar and prevents spikes, making the drug immensely beneficial to people with type 2 diabetes.

Some common side effects of Mounjaro include nausea, vomiting, stomach pain, constipation, diarrhea, and fatigue. Less common side effects include gallbladder issues, vision changes, and features of allergic reactions such as face, throat, lip swelling, and difficulty breathing. Contact your healthcare provider immediately if you experience any of the less common side effects of Mounjaro.

  • Sugary Foods and Beverages

Avoid foods and beverages high in sugar, such as sweets, soda, ice cream, and cakes. These sugary items can cause spikes in your blood glucose levels. These fluctuations in blood sugar can make you crave more sugary foods, overeat, and make losing weight on Mounjaro difficult.

When thirsty, aim to drink more water instead of sugary beverages. Research has shown that replacing sugar-sweetened beverages with water results in less weight gain over time. 

  • Processed and Fast Foods

Avoid eating processed and fast foods like pizzas, tacos, biscuits, supermarket sandwiches, and burgers. These foods are usually high in sugar, unsaturated fats, and salt. They have little nutritional value and can hinder your weight loss progress with Mounjaro.

  • High-Fat Dairy Products

It is best to avoid high-fat dairy foods like whole milk, butter, heavy cream, and full-fat cheese. While these dairy products are rich in nutrients, high-fat options can make you gain weight and counteract the effects of Mounjaro. You can opt for better options like fat-free milk or yogurt while using Mounjaro.

  • Fried Foods

Fried, greasy foods have high amounts of calories and unhealthy fats. Although tasty, these meals can slow your weight loss progress with Mounjaro and affect your cardiovascular health. Fried foods can also cause symptoms that resemble Mounjaro's side effects, such as bloating, nausea, and stomach pain. Consider healthier cooking methods like baking or grilling your meal. You can also use plant sources like olive oil, which contains unsaturated fats.

  • Refined Grains

Refined carbohydrates like pasta or white bread are low in fiber and can cause spikes in your blood sugar levels. These spikes can trigger cravings, make you overeat, and negatively impact your weight loss progress on Mounjaro. Instead, opt for whole grains like brown rice or quinoa for better weight loss management.

  • Alcohol

It is best to limit or altogether avoid alcohol intake while taking Mounjaro. This is because alcohol has several effects that may interfere with Mounjaro. Just like Mounjaro, alcohol lowers blood sugar. The combination of the two can result in hypoglycemia. Also, alcohol contains hidden calories that can impede weight loss. Alcohol may heighten nausea and vomiting, known side effects of Mounjaro. It is recommended to limit alcohol intake to no more than one drink per day for women and two drinks daily for men.

  • High-Sodium Foods

Avoiding foods high in sodium is beneficial for weight loss and your overall health. Research has shown that consuming high-sodium foods can allow your body to retain more water and cause short-term weight gain. This may mask your progress on Mounjaro and discourage drug compliance. Pay attention to the sodium content of your foods, particularly in prepackaged foods, fast foods, and some sauces. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends consuming less than 2 grams of sodium (less than 5 grams of salt) daily.

  • High-calorie Snacks

Continuously snacking on high-calorie foods like cookies and candy bars can quickly negatively impact your weight loss progress with Mounjaro. Instead, you can snack on small portions of healthier foods like vegetables and fruits.

  • Sugary Breakfast Cereals

Many breakfast cereals are loaded with sugar and refined carbs and have little nutritional value. These sugary cereals can cause sharp fluctuations in your blood glucose levels and leave you craving more food. Swap out sugary cereals for whole-grain options to facilitate your weight loss on Mounjaro.

Why Diet Matters With Mounjaro

A healthy diet will help you get the best out of Mounjaro. Eating a balanced diet rich in whole foods, vegetables, and lean protein facilitates Mounjaro's actions. These highly nutritious foods are low in calories, fats, and sugar. This allows Mounjaro to have better control of your blood sugar levels. Besides, these high-sugar, high-fat meals can prevent a calorie deficit and stop you from achieving your weight loss goals.

Unhealthy options like greasy food, alcohol, or sugary foods can worsen some side effects of Mounjaro, such as nausea and vomiting. Maintaining a balanced diet reduces these common side effects while on Mounjaro.

Do You Need a Mounjaro Diet Plan?

Assessing Your Current Diet

Take a look at your current eating habits. Are you eating a balanced diet of whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and non-sugary beverages? If not, adopting a diet plan that enhances Mounjaro's effects would be best. Generally, aim to eat whole foods rather than processed food and eat smaller but more frequent meals.

Creating a Balanced Diet Plan

You can discuss with your healthcare provider to create a plan tailored to your needs. Here are general food groups you can focus on for a healthy diet:

  • Whole grains like brown rice and oats should make up at least half of your grain intake per day.
  • Vegetables like broccoli, spinach, and onions. If you have diabetes, you can also consider non-starchy vegetables.
  • Fruits like bananas, peaches, and apples. You can also consume 100% fruit juice, but it is generally recommended that at least half of your daily fruit intake should come from whole fruit.
  • Diary products: Opt for low-fat dairy products like fat-free milk and feta cheese.
  • Lean protein: You can eat lean protein sources such as fish and chicken.

Precautionary Measures

Monitoring Blood Sugar Levels

Since Mounjaro lowers blood sugar, ensure to check your glucose levels regularly. You can keep a record of your blood sugar readings after eating to identify which meals cause spikes. If you notice any disparities between your diet and these readings, contact your healthcare provider for further evaluation. They can help you adjust your diet or medication for better blood sugar control.

Staying Hydrated

You cannot underestimate the importance of drinking plenty of water to stay healthy. When you drink enough water, you are less likely to overeat or succumb to cravings since it makes you fuller. Studies have shown that drinking plenty of water daily may increase your metabolic rate and allow you to burn more calories. So, staying hydrated potentiates weight loss while using Mounjaro. Generally, it is recommended that men drink about 15.5 cups of water per day and females 11.5 cups.

Listening to Your Body

While taking Mounjaro, it is important to pay attention to how your body responds to different meals. If certain foods trigger side effects like nausea, consider modifying your diet. Also, pay attention to your body's hunger/fullness signals. Eat smaller but frequent meals, chew your food slowly, and if you're full, stop eating.


Maintaining a calorie deficit by eating a healthy and balanced diet can contribute to successful weight loss on Mounjaro. Avoiding foods high in sugar, calories, salts, and fats further potentiates Mounjaro's actions and allows you to realize your weight loss goals. Reassessing your eating habits and committing to healthier lifestyle options can help you lose weight and sustain it while using Mounjaro.

Frequently Asked Questions

What should I eat while taking Mounjaro?

Focus on eating a balanced diet containing whole grains, fruits, lean proteins, vegetables, and healthy fats. Avoid foods high in sugar, bad fats, and salts. Also, focus on staying hydrated throughout the day for optimal results.

Can you eat rice on Mounjaro?

Yes, you can. However, it is best to opt for whole-grain options like brown rice, which has more nutritional value than white rice.

Can you eat bananas while taking Mounjaro?

Yes, you can eat bananas. However, ripe bananas have a high glycemic index, so if you are concerned, opt for the unripe options. Also, be mindful of the portions you eat; smaller sizes will not cause much increase in your blood sugar levels compared to larger portions.

Can I eat pizza on Mounjaro?

Although there is no general restriction against eating pizza, it would be best to limit eating it on Mounjaro. This is because pizza is high in refined carbs and bad fat, can cause blood sugar surges, and prevent you from achieving your weight loss goals. You can opt for healthier pizza types that contain whole-grain crusts, vegetables, lean proteins, and little cheese. However, moderation is the key!

What vitamins should I take with Mounjaro?

There are no known reports of interactions between Mounjaro and vitamins. You can discuss with your healthcare provider to assess whether you need vitamin supplements or not.




Off-Label Use: When discussing off-label uses, such as using Ozempic for weight loss, make it clear that this is not FDA-approved for that purpose. For example, you can add a disclaimer like: “While Ozempic is primarily approved for treating Type 2 diabetes, some healthcare providers may prescribe it off-label for weight loss. However, this use is not FDA-approved.”

Medical Advice Disclaimer: Clearly state that the article is for informational purposes only and not a substitute for professional medical advice. Encourage readers to consult with their healthcare provider before starting any new medication.

Tirzepatide: The New Challenger
Tirzepatide is relatively new to the market and works by activating both the GLP-1 and GIP receptors. This dual-action approach is theorized to offer more potent effects on weight loss and glucose control.
Early studies indicate that Tirzepatide may offer superior glucose-lowering effects and weight loss compared to GLP-1 agonists alone. The medication could potentially provide an improvement in treatment outcomes for individuals with type 2 diabetes, particularly those who are also focusing on weight loss as part of their treatment goals.
As a newer medication, Tirzepatide’s long-term safety profile is still being established. Patients may experience side effects similar to other medications in the GLP-1 class, and close monitoring by a healthcare provider is recommended.
Choosing the Right GLP-1 Medication with Layla
At Layla, we provide a comprehensive overview of the GLP-1 medication options available in our program, detailing the benefits and considerations of each to help you make an informed decision for diabetes management or weight loss.
A widely chosen GLP-1 medication, Semaglutide boasts a high satisfaction rate among patients due to its convenience of once-weekly dosing and efficacy in reducing blood sugar levels and aiding weight loss. When selecting Semaglutide through Layla, consider how its dosing schedule and health benefits align with your lifestyle.
What makes Semaglutide a highly effective choice?

Acts on biological factors that can prevent weight loss
Suppresses appetite & helps you feel fuller, longer
Helps control blood sugars

Can I feel confident in the safety of Semaglutide?

● Best value option
● Ideal for those commencing their weight loss journey
● Convenient billing method: $247 charged monthly
● Doses start at 0.25 mg/week, escalating to 2.5 mg/week (totaling 10 mg)
● Limited to one use per customer

● $297 per month
● Available for customers starting at a higher dose or already on medication

How does the program work?

STEP 1: Place your order online and complete a medical intake form detailing your health and weight loss goals.

STEP 2: Connect with your physician through our HIPAA-compliant telehealth platform. No more waiting weeks or months for appointments.

STEP 3: Once approved, your prescription is sent to a pharmacy, which will deliver the medication straight to your door.

STEP 4: Ongoing Support. We regularly check in with you to ensure you're maximizing the benefits of our program. Our support team is available for chat, and you can message your doctor anytime with questions.

See available plans
Tirzepatide stands as a powerful GLP-1 medication alternative, particularly for those seeking an effective diabetes and weight management solution with a more spaced dosing regimen. Its administration through injections allows for flexible treatment planning tailored to individual needs.
What makes Tirzepatide a highly effective choice?

Acts on biological factors that can prevent weight loss
Suppresses appetite & helps you feel fuller, longer
Helps control blood sugars

Can I feel confident in the safety of Tirzepatide?

● Best value option
● Ideal for those commencing their weight loss journey
● Convenient billing method: $247 charged monthly
● Doses start at 0.25 mg/week, escalating to 2.5 mg/week (totaling 10 mg)
● Limited to one use per customer

● $297 per month
● Available for customers starting at a higher dose or already on medication

How does the program work?

STEP 1: Place your order online and complete a medical intake form detailing your health and weight loss goals.

STEP 2: Connect with your physician through our HIPAA-compliant telehealth platform. No more waiting weeks or months for appointments.

STEP 3: Once approved, your prescription is sent to a pharmacy, which will deliver the medication straight to your door.

STEP 4: Ongoing Support. We regularly check in with you to ensure you're maximizing the benefits of our program. Our support team is available for chat, and you can message your doctor anytime with questions.

See available plans

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