What Is Compounded Tirzepatide (+ Benefits For Weight Loss)

Compounded tirzepatide has a lot of benefits for your weight loss journey! Wondering whether it’s worth it? Find out how it performs with this complete guide.

Medically reviewed by Dr. Ruth Cohen,
Medical Director, Layla
Reviewed by
Dr. Ruth Cohen
Medical Director, Layla
Last Updated
July 17, 2024
8 clinical references

Source: alan KO via Unsplash

Alt text: Compounded tirzepatide for weight loss

Tirzepatide has become one of the most popular medications because of how effective it is in managing type 2 diabetes in patients. It is the main ingredient in Mounjaro, an FDA-approved medication. The medicine is also famous for its off-label use in treating obesity and promoting weight loss in overweight individuals. 

Due to the popularity of tirzepatide as a weight loss medication, it has become really hard to find. As of November 2023, it was added to the FDA drug shortage list. This has caused many patients to consider compounded tirzepatide. So, what is compounded tirzepatide, and is it suitable for weight loss? Let's take a closer look.  

What is Compounded Tirzepatide? 

A compounded drug means combining and altering ingredients to make a medication suitable for an individual patient's needs. It's made in compounding pharmacies mostly because of the shortage of the drug. Compounded tirzepatide still has tirzepatide as the active ingredient but is combined with other drugs. Tirzepatide is usually compounded with vitamin B12. 

Tirzepatide is a dual-acting drug that targets two important receptors in the body. The first is the Glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1) receptor agonist, while the second is glucose-dependent insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP) receptors. The GLP-1 RA and GIP receptors are effective in regulating appetite and blood sugar levels. 

Tirzepatide has proven itself to be an effective medication for weight loss reduction because of its properties, especially in clinical trials. However, keep in mind that studies have only been carried out on Tirzepatide and its effects on the body. There are no studies on compounded tirzepatide. 

Compounding tirzepatide and B12 will provide energy levels, especially since most patients find it difficult to adjust to weight loss injections. It also helps with blood sugar control, as it supports insulin production and reduces glucose production. 

There are different reasons why patients might need compounded tirzepatide. The most common reason is the shortage of the medicine. In other cases, the patient might have specific medical needs and health conditions that the commercially available Mounjaro cannot address. These include patients with allergies or sensitivities to certain ingredients. 

Benefits of Using Compounded Tirzepatide for Weight Management 

There are different benefits of using compounded tirzepatide for your weight loss journey. Tirzepatide already has countless benefits for weight loss, even if it is not officially approved by the Food and Drug Association for this purpose. But when made at a compounded pharmacy, you can get more benefits for your health goals. 

Here are some of the benefits of taking compounded tirzepatide to lose weight:

  • Reduces appetite and promotes a feeling of satiety. 
  • Reduces cravings and increases the metabolism. 
  • Enhances energy levels and decreases fatigue related to weight loss.
  • Improves blood sugar control.
  • Suppresses appetite. 
  • Regulates insulin levels.
  • Reduces blood pressure. 
  • Supports cardiovascular health. 
  • Boosts your mood.
  • Reduces your chances of getting addicted.

Comparing Compounded Tirzepatide with Conventional Medications 

Source: Andres  Ayrton via Pexels 

Alt text: Compound tirzepatide vs brand tirzepatide

When comparing compounded tirzepatide with standard tirzepatide medication like Mounjaro, the main difference is that Mounjaro's main ingredient is tirzepatide. A compounded medication combines tirzepatide with other drugs like vitamin B12. 

Compounded tirzepatide, if done at a reliable compounded pharmacy with a focus on care, is more effective than standard Mounjaro. This is because it combines tirzepatide with other ingredients. 

Mounjaro alone can regulate blood sugar levels and improve weight loss in type 2 diabetic patients. But, compounded tirzepatide is more comprehensive, improving strength and mood and reducing blood pressure. It will also support cardiovascular health. 

How Does Compounded Tirzepatide Work for Weight Loss? 

Compounded tirzepatide works the same way the standard tirzepatide works for weight loss. The GLP-1 receptor agonists in tirzepatide supports appetite regulation by helping individuals resist the urge to overheat and control their cravings. Also, the compound tirzepatide combines the two hormones, GLP-1 RA and GIP, along with B12 vitamins and other drugs, which leads to promising results for weight loss. 

Exploring the Mechanism of Action of Compounded Tirzepatide 

The mechanism of action of compounded tirzepatide involves key processes. For one, the GLP-1 and GIP stimulate insulin secretion, which is beneficial for individuals with type 2 diabetes. It also inhibits glucagon secretion and lowers blood sugar levels with the GLP-1.

The receptors also slow down the emptying of the stomach, which prolongs the feeling of satiety after meals. It affects the central nervous system areas involved in regulating appetite, which makes you less hungry. 

Effectiveness of Compounded Tirzepatide in Achieving Weight Loss Goals 

Clinical trials have shown that tirzepatide is superior in reducing body weight in individuals with obesity and overweight when combined with lifestyle changes like diet and exercise. Compounded tirzepatide works the same way and would be highly effective in your weight loss journey. It is also related to better glycemic control and lower hypoglycemia. 

Getting Compounded Tirzepatide: Process and Considerations 

Source: Karolina Grabowska via Pexels 

Alt text: How to get compounded tirzepatide

If you're looking to get compounded tirzepatide, then you need to work with a compounding pharmacy recommended by a licensed healthcare provider. 

Keep in mind that although most medications must be approved by the FDA before being sold commercially, it doesn't apply to compounded medications since they are customized for each individual and not mass-produced. 

Obtaining Tirzepatide from a Compounding Pharmacy 

Compounded tirzepatide is not commercially available but can be purchased at compounding pharmacies. The pharmacy will combine the active ingredients in the right doses based on your specific needs. When you get a compounded tirzepatide drug, you should follow the prescribed dosage and administration steps carefully. 

Consulting Your Healthcare Provider Before Taking Compounded Tirzepatide 

Before you visit a compounding pharmacy, consult with your primary care physician first. Your healthcare provider has to assess your health status, medical history and weight loss goals before they recommend taking tirzepatide for weight loss. It's also important to ask about compounded tirzepatide in case your doctor thinks you should stick to normal tirzepatide. 

Choosing the Right Compounding Pharmacy for Your Tirzepatide Prescription 

Don't get your compounded tirzepatide from any pharmacy. There have been many issues with compounding pharmacies, such as poor practices, contamination, or too many active ingredients. There might also be scams or fake drugs being sold as the real thing. 

To avoid this, check whether the compounding pharmacy is accredited and licensed to operate in your state. Also, ensure that the company has experience in preparing tirzepatide formulations. Learn more about the pharmacy's quality assurance process and check feedback from other patients or medical professionals. 

Future of Weight Management: Compounded Tirzepatide's Role 

Compounded tirzepatide is very promising in weight management, and it is expected that the tirzepatide drug, Zepbound, will be approved for weight loss. Its dual-action mechanism makes it a suitable choice for addressing appetite regulation and metabolic health. When compounded with vitamin B12 and other medications, it improves the efficacy and minimizes the potential side effects. 

Exploring the Future of Weight Loss Treatment with Compounded Medications 

Compounded medications will lead to targeted weight loss therapies. Since the medication is personalized with different ingredients, it can precisely intervene in the cause of weight gain. It can also combine multiple ingredients and agents to enhance treatment outcomes. Compounded pharmacies can make medications specifically for the patient, preventing any sensitivity or allergies. 


Compounded tirzepatide is a highly effective option for weight management. It combines the standard tirzepatide ingredients with extra drugs like vitamin B12 for improved weight loss management. But, it's important to talk to a reliable healthcare professional and work with a licensed compounding pharmacy before you take compounded tirzepatide. 

Frequently Asked Questions: What is Compounded Tirzepatide 

Is compounded tirzepatide the same as Mounjaro? 

Compounded tirzepatide is not the same as Mounjaro. It combines tirzepatide with other drugs and has not been evaluated by the FDA. It is only suitable for patients with special needs like allergies or sensitivities to Mounjaro ingredients. 

How do you get compounded tirzepatide? 

You can get compounded tirzepatide from a compounding pharmacy. It's important to work with a licensed and reputable compounding pharmacy that has a reliable quality assurance process. 

How long does it take for compound tirzepatide to work?

Compound tirzepatide starts working immediately, but it can take between 10 and 12 weeks for you to see the full effects. Most people start to notice weight loss within a few weeks, but it depends on your lifestyle, such as diet and exercise, and your starting weight. 

Can a doctor prescribe compounded tirzepatide? 

A doctor can write a prescription for compounded tirzepatide as part of your treatment plan. To get a compounded medication, you need to get a new prescription from your doctor. It's also a cost-friendly alternative for those who don't have insurance. 

How is compounded tirzepatide made? 

Compounded tirzepatide is made by combining tirzepatide with other drugs. It is mostly compounded with vitamin B12. This reduces the fatigue caused by the effects of sustained weight loss. 

How long does compounded tirzepatide stay in your system? 

Compounded tirzepatide will stay in your system for about 30 days after taking the medication. It would take a month for your body to fully clear the medication.

How quickly does tirzepatide start working? 

Tirzepatide starts working immediately, and results are seen within the first four weeks. If you want to lose weight, you will see the results within the first four weeks. For people with type 2 diabetes, it can take up to 12 weeks to reach your A1C goal. 

Does compounded tirzepatide work? 

Compounded tirzepatide is very effective in weight management with few adverse effects. It is suitable for those who want to lose weight or have specific conditions that don't allow them to take the standard tirzepatide medication. 

What are the results of tirzepatide one month? 

After one month, patients on tirzepatide will notice changes in their weight. Randomized trials show that patients with type 2 diabetes will lose an average of 2% of their body weight. 

How can I make tirzepatide work better? 

To make tirzepatide work better, you should stay well hydrated. This will avoid the side effects of weight loss. Furthermore, you should rotate injection sites of injectable medications. Injecting in the same area over and over can cause fatty lumps under the skin. Set an exercise routine to gain the weight loss benefits of tirzepatide, and focus on eating slowly so that your body can recognize you are full at the right time.

What does compounded tirzepatide do? 

Compounded tirzepatide can promote weight loss by improving the feeling of satiety and suppressing appetite to lower food intake. It also enhances your energy levels and fights fatigue. It leads to better blood sugar control and stimulates insulin production. 

Sources Used












Off-Label Use: When discussing off-label uses, such as using Ozempic for weight loss, make it clear that this is not FDA-approved for that purpose. For example, you can add a disclaimer like: “While Ozempic is primarily approved for treating Type 2 diabetes, some healthcare providers may prescribe it off-label for weight loss. However, this use is not FDA-approved.”

Medical Advice Disclaimer: Clearly state that the article is for informational purposes only and not a substitute for professional medical advice. Encourage readers to consult with their healthcare provider before starting any new medication.

Tirzepatide: The New Challenger
Tirzepatide is relatively new to the market and works by activating both the GLP-1 and GIP receptors. This dual-action approach is theorized to offer more potent effects on weight loss and glucose control.
Early studies indicate that Tirzepatide may offer superior glucose-lowering effects and weight loss compared to GLP-1 agonists alone. The medication could potentially provide an improvement in treatment outcomes for individuals with type 2 diabetes, particularly those who are also focusing on weight loss as part of their treatment goals.
As a newer medication, Tirzepatide’s long-term safety profile is still being established. Patients may experience side effects similar to other medications in the GLP-1 class, and close monitoring by a healthcare provider is recommended.
Choosing the Right GLP-1 Medication with Layla
At Layla, we provide a comprehensive overview of the GLP-1 medication options available in our program, detailing the benefits and considerations of each to help you make an informed decision for diabetes management or weight loss.
A widely chosen GLP-1 medication, Semaglutide boasts a high satisfaction rate among patients due to its convenience of once-weekly dosing and efficacy in reducing blood sugar levels and aiding weight loss. When selecting Semaglutide through Layla, consider how its dosing schedule and health benefits align with your lifestyle.
What makes Semaglutide a highly effective choice?

Acts on biological factors that can prevent weight loss
Suppresses appetite & helps you feel fuller, longer
Helps control blood sugars

Can I feel confident in the safety of Semaglutide?

● Best value option
● Ideal for those commencing their weight loss journey
● Convenient billing method: $247 charged monthly
● Doses start at 0.25 mg/week, escalating to 2.5 mg/week (totaling 10 mg)
● Limited to one use per customer

● $297 per month
● Available for customers starting at a higher dose or already on medication

How does the program work?

STEP 1: Place your order online and complete a medical intake form detailing your health and weight loss goals.

STEP 2: Connect with your physician through our HIPAA-compliant telehealth platform. No more waiting weeks or months for appointments.

STEP 3: Once approved, your prescription is sent to a pharmacy, which will deliver the medication straight to your door.

STEP 4: Ongoing Support. We regularly check in with you to ensure you're maximizing the benefits of our program. Our support team is available for chat, and you can message your doctor anytime with questions.

See available plans
Tirzepatide stands as a powerful GLP-1 medication alternative, particularly for those seeking an effective diabetes and weight management solution with a more spaced dosing regimen. Its administration through injections allows for flexible treatment planning tailored to individual needs.
What makes Tirzepatide a highly effective choice?

Acts on biological factors that can prevent weight loss
Suppresses appetite & helps you feel fuller, longer
Helps control blood sugars

Can I feel confident in the safety of Tirzepatide?

● Best value option
● Ideal for those commencing their weight loss journey
● Convenient billing method: $247 charged monthly
● Doses start at 0.25 mg/week, escalating to 2.5 mg/week (totaling 10 mg)
● Limited to one use per customer

● $297 per month
● Available for customers starting at a higher dose or already on medication

How does the program work?

STEP 1: Place your order online and complete a medical intake form detailing your health and weight loss goals.

STEP 2: Connect with your physician through our HIPAA-compliant telehealth platform. No more waiting weeks or months for appointments.

STEP 3: Once approved, your prescription is sent to a pharmacy, which will deliver the medication straight to your door.

STEP 4: Ongoing Support. We regularly check in with you to ensure you're maximizing the benefits of our program. Our support team is available for chat, and you can message your doctor anytime with questions.

See available plans

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